Photo of Katie

Katie Sechrist

VP of Operations


NAPS CTS Certification, obtained 7/23/2008


Recruiting and Operations Management since 2004 in a variety of fields including Administrative, Light Industrial, Technical, and Skilled Trade.

Professional Awards & Achievements

Houston Area Association of Personnel Consultants:

  • 2018 1st place Team Award – Blended Svc Division
  • 2018 1st place Individual Award – Blended Svc Division
  • 2017 1st place Team Award – Blended Svc Division
  • 2017 1st place Individual Award – Blended Svc Division
  • 2016 1st place Team Award – Blended Svc Division
  • 2016 1st place Individual Award – Blended Svc Division
  • 2015 2nd Place Team Award – Blended Svc Division
  • 2015 1st Place Individual Award – Blended Svc Division
  • 2013 3rd Place Team Award – Blended Svc Division
  • 2012 3rd Place Team Award – Blended Svc Division

Stupid Human Tricks

When I'm not working hard at Carlton Staffing, you'll find me cooking sweets for my Etsy shop or spending time with my husband and children. I completed the Houston Aramco Half Marathon in January 2013, a full marathon in the Chevron Houston Marathon in January 2014, and the Galveston Half Marathon on Valentine's Day 2016 with my 11-year-old daughter who I'm proud to say has caught the running fever!

Bucket List Item

Participate in La Tomatina (the world’s biggest tomato fight) in Spain.

Quote that you actually are inspired by and that drives you to action:

“It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from. The ability to triumph begins with you—always,” - Oprah Winfrey.

When you speak/work with me, you can expect….

Professionalism, integrity, and honesty

Can you please share what your best advice would be for a job seeker looking for a new position in today’s market?

Create a professional email address if you don’t already have one, join every networking organization you can find in your industry, and don’t take rejection personally! Finding the right job can take a considerable amount of time. Keep a positive attitude and don’t give up!

Photo of Sara

Sara Lozano

Senior Operations Manager


High School Diploma


I’ve worked with Carlton Staffing’s Southwest branch since 2004 handling industrial, skilled trade, and administrative staffing.

Professional Achievements

I have received Achievers Awards, Top Producer Awards, and Million Dollar Club Awards while working at Carlton Staffing, and I was promoted from Administrative Assistant to Staffing Consultant, then Senior Staffing Consultant, and my most recent promotion was to Operations Manager over the Southwest branch.

Bucket List Item

Travel all over the world!

When you speak/work with me, you can expect…

Honesty, excellent customer service, and results.

Advice for a job seeker in today’s market

Make sure your resume is updated. Make sure you research the company before your interview. Be on time. Dress presentably for the interview, write notes, ask questions, make eye contact, and maintain good posture.

Photo of Annette

Annette Monks



BA, Communication, University of Houston; Certified Temporary Staffing Specialist (CTS)


I have been in the staffing business since 1990 working virtually every type of field position in recruitment (operations), sales, training, management and executive management.

Professional Achievements

My greatest achievement is having the opportunity to work with the fantastic people at Carlton Staffing and Carltech Engineering & Technical!

Stupid Human Tricks

I am a competitive ballroom dancer and I love to go hunting with my husband! How’s that for variety?

Bucket List Item

Hike up to Machu Picchu with my husband and family.

When you speak/work with me, you can expect…

That I will get to the point very quickly and get things done at the same speed!

Advice for a job seeker in today’s market

Treat your job search like a sales job. Create a huge pipeline from many different places, know what your target job is and how to describe what you do, network like crazy, plan each day and execute an organized, well-disciplined call/email/social media plan daily. Do not stop searching until you have started your new job! Understand that you will get more “no’s” than “yes’s” but it only takes one yes!

Photo of Cindy

Cindy Jennings

Vice President and Director of Sales


BS in Aquatic Biology, UT Austin; CTS – Certified Temporary Staffing Specialist


40+ years in sales and sales management, 30+ of which have been in the staffing industry, 15+ of the best at Carlton Staffing!

Professional Achievements

As a result of my performance in sales and management, I’ve been blessed to be given the opportunity to train others in every company I’ve worked. The ability to assist others reach higher levels of success and help them find additional ways to contribute to the success of the company is extremely satisfying. And while I’m proud of each individual award I have earned, I am more proud when someone I’ve worked with and trained is recognized for their accomplishments.

I have been privileged to serve on the Board of Directors of HR Houston and Chair their Legislative Action Committee.  I currently serve as an HR Houston Ambassador.  I have also served on the Board of the Texas Association of Staffing, both as Legislative Committee Chairperson and as President. As an active member of The Professional Group in Houston, I serve on the Board as the VP of Meeting Coordination.

Stupid Human Tricks

I love to build and fix things, especially if that requires power tools, wood glue and clamps – kind of a MacGyver with a tool belt!!  I also enjoy giving thrift store finds a “new life” as something different than their original purpose.

Bucket List Item

Walking tour of the Australian outback; hiking in the rain forest in Costa Rica

When you speak/work with me, you can expect… laugh. You will also get lots of questions, honesty and enthusiasm.

Advice for a job seeker in today’s market

Do your homework! With all the resources available today there is no excuse for showing up at an interview without having visited their website and the LinkedIn profiles of people you’re scheduled to meet! Be prepared with questions (written out ahead of time is fine) and have a portfolio so you can take notes during the interview. A good interview is essentially an exchange of information that will be critical to the hiring decision. Walking in empty handed is a signal that you don’t expect to learn anything.

Photo of Beth

Beth Hammond

Managing Director


B.A. History, B.A. Political Science, Trinity University


I entered the staffing industry in 1998 as an entry level recruiter with no prior experience, and have worked hard to move up the ladder to the position I hold today, as an Area Manager.

Professional Achievements

My Southwest Branch has been the top performing office since 2014.

I have been privileged to serve on the Board of Directors for the Houston Area Association of Personnel Consultants, most recently as President, and currently as Past President and Treasurer. I am also a member of Carlton’s Million Dollar Club ($11 million), and have managed Carlton’s Top Performing Branch 2004-2019.

Stupid Human Tricks

In my spare time, I volunteer for S.A.V.E. Rescue Coalition as a foster parent for homeless cats and kittens.

Bucket List Item

I would love to go on an African safari!

When you speak/work with me, you can expect…

I am someone who can always be depended on to do what I say I’m going to do.

Advice for a job seeker in today’s market

Follow up! You’d be surprised how many people don’t do simple things like send a thank you note or email after an interview. Also, make sure to follow up post-interview to reaffirm your interest in the position and find out when the employer expects to make a decision.

Photo of shawn

Shawn Kowalski

Operations Manager


Some College Completed


I’ve have been in the staffing industry since 2002. I have staffed industrial, skilled trades, administrative and professional.

Bucket List Item

I want to visit all the continents.

Quote that you actually are inspired by and that drives you to action

“A leader is someone who helps improve the lives of other people or improve the system they live under.” - Sam Houston

When you speak/work with me, you can expect….

Honesty/Straight Forward/Results

Can you please share what your best advice would be for a job seeker looking for a new position in today’s market?

Make sure you keep your resume updated and have all your skills posted on it. Don’t be afraid of a 2-3 page resume. Research the company you are interviewing for and have a few questions to ask. Make sure you are 10-15 minutes early for the interview.

Photo of Shan Bailey

Shan Bailey

HR Manager


B.A. Finance; M.A. Human Resources Management


I have over 20 years retail experience. I decided to change careers 5 years ago. I enrolled in to Graduate school and pursued my Masters in HR Management. Recruiting is something I have always wanted to do and I am so excited to have been given this opportunity with such a great company like Carlton.

Stupid human tricks

My husband thinks it’s cool I can raise each eyebrow one at a time.

Bucket List Item

Seeing the world, traveling to as many places as I can. Get the courage to jump out of a plane. Conquering my fear of water and learning to swim.

Quote that you actually are inspired by and that drives you to action

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou

When you speak/work with me, you can expect….

Humor, professionalism, and diligence.

Can you please share what your best advice would be for a job seeker looking for a new position in today’s market?

Encourage constructive criticism. Allow someone to help you be better. Always present yourself in a professional manner regardless of the level of pay you are seeking. First impressions are everything.

Photo of Dena Fernandez

Dena Fernandez

Staffing Consultant

Education, certification

Graduated Aveda Institute of Houston receiving my Cosmetology License.


I have been a hair stylist for 13 years. I was introduced to staffing by one of my guests and have been in the staffing industry for 3 1/2 years and love it!

Professional awards, achievements

I have outstanding achievement awards in Human Resources, Master Stylist, Brand Ambassador for Aveda.

Stupid human tricks

Would being a foodie count? I found a love in baking, I started with sourdough through friendship starter that is 75 years old. When I am baking you will find me trying new places to eat specifically French coffee shops with my husband, with my kids or in the country visiting my mother snagging her eggs for baking!! I will also be out in the fresh air taking walking around Houston Parks or hikes around Austin.

Bucket list item

I have never been out of the states. So I would love to take a trip to Greece, Switzerland or Iceland.

Quote that you are inspired by and that drives you to action

so...I might have a few.. "Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier" , "Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts", “Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will fall behind you.”

(Finish this sentence) When you speak/work with me, you can expect….

Transparency, Positivity, honesty.

Can you please share what your best advice would be for a job seeker looking for a new position in today’s market?

To always highlight their relevant experience and skills, and research the company and job role. To always follow up with an email and thank them.

Photo of Courtney Heater

Courtney Heater

Senior Staffing Consultant


Some College Alvin Community College


12 years of sales experience and 2 ½ in Staffing

Professional Awards & Achievements

Consistently meet my monthly and quarterly goals.

Bucket list item

I would love to visit Australia!

Quote that you actually are inspired by and that drives you to action

Fear is a Liar!

When you speak/work with me, you can expect…

Straightforward, honest answers. I want to help people as efficiently as possible.

Can you please share what your best advice would be for a job seeker looking for a new position in today’s market?

Update your resume! Some employers will only take seconds to look, it wastes your time when you send it out with incorrect information.

Photo of Kristen Sandberg

Kristen Sandberg

Senior Staffing Consultant


30 years’ experience in the staffing / recruiting industry with a focus on industrial, skilled trades and administrative staffing.

Professional Awards & Achievements

Consistently meet my monthly and quarterly goals.

Bucket list item

To retire and travel the entire US

Quote that you actually are inspired by and that drives you to action

“Don’t count the days, make the days count.” – Muhammed Ali

When you speak/work with me, you can expect…


Can you please share what your best advice would be for a job seeker looking for a new position in today’s market?

Don’t give up on your job search. The key is persistence and professionalism. The right opportunity will be there.

Angelita Aparicio

Staffing Consultant


Associates Degree


HR professional for 12 years

Professional Awards, Achievements

I was voted employee of the year by managers and co-workers.

Stupid human tricks

Not really a trick but I actually have an unusually small head and I can fit into a toddler size hat.

Bucket list item

Take a vacation on the Amazon river.

Quote that you actually are inspired by and that drives you to action

Be positive, be true, be kind.

When you speak/work with me, you can expect…

respect, understanding, loyalty, and results.

Can you please share what your best advice would be for a job seeker looking for a new position in today’s market?

Edit and update your resume, prepare ahead of time, give eye contact, be confident, be presentable, smile.

Photo of Szamera Maiden

Szamera Maiden

Staffing Consultant

Education / Certification

AAS in Business Operations and Management – Certification in Accounting – Certification in Management – Certification in Customer Service – Certification in Marketing – Certification in Human Resources – Certification in Entrepreneurship – Currently pursuing my Bachelors of Science in Business Operations at the University of Houston


I entered the staffing industry through an internship with Staffmark in 2021. I was hired on as a Recruiting Specialist and promoted to Recruitment Manager within my first year.

Stupid Human Tricks

I used to play fastpitch, however I am not so athletic these days. So, I indulge myself in poetry: I am planning on publishing my first book within the next couple of years.

Bucket List Item

A trip to Paris to see the Eiffel Tower, this has been my dream since I was a child.

Quote that you are inspired by and that drives you to action

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel” – Maya Angelou

When you speak / work with me, you can expect

Compassion, transparency and understanding. It is my goal to make people feel understood, we are all human, we all need someone to make us just that! My goal is to help you get to where you are going by assisting you in securing the right career opportunity.

Can you please share what your best advice would be for a job seeker looking for a new position in today’s market?

Keep in mind there are many others hunting for jobs in todays market. Ensure your resume is updated and error free. Remain in contact with your recruiter or hiring manager throughout the hiring process. Communication is absolutely key, so if you are presented a position that won’t work for you let the recruiter know immediately. Lastly, don’t give up! What is meant for you will fall into place. I am rooting for you!

Photo of Tiasha Wells

Tiasha Wells

Business Consultant

Education / Certification

BA Philosophy Pre-Law.


10 years in sales and staffing.

Professional awards, achievements

Top biller in my 1st year of sales.

Stupid Human Tricks

I can do a 1 hand cartwheel.

Bucket List Item


Quote that you are inspired by and that drives you to action

“You’ve got to have faith in what you’re doing and not take no for an answer”

When you speak / work with me, you can expect

Honesty and encouragement.

Can you please share what your best advice would be for a job seeker looking for a new position in today’s market?

To highlight your key achievements and skills used at your previous job.

Photo of Perette Furbush

Perette Furbush

Senior Business Development Consultant

Education / Certification

Court Reporting Certificate


Over 30 years of sales in the Staffing industry

Professional Award, Achievements

Rookie office of the Year, Sales Achiever of Year, many years in a row. Achieving targeted goals year over year. Most resent was my last achievement of Sales Driver of the year 2023 for billing well over goal in new business revenue out of 116 offices nationwide.

Stupid Human Tricks

I can still do a cartwheel…on the beach only!

Bucket List Item

To tour New Zealand or Switzerland

Quote that you are inspired by and that drives you to action

Passion + Activity + Consistency = $$$ for us all!

When you speak / work with me, you can expect

Transparency, my honesty and open mindedness with no judgements, with a side of humor.

Can you please share what your best advice would be for a job seeker looking for a new position in today’s market?

Do your research and have a clear line of communicating what you feel you can bring to the company, because they will ask you. Dress well and speak with confidence.

Photo of Yasmine Anaya

Yasmine Anaya

Business Development Consultant

Education, certification

San Jacinto Associates


8 years in staffing industry

Professional awards, achievements

Consistently meet my monthly and quarterly goals

Bucket List Item

To be able to go on a mission trip.

Quote that you are inspired by and that drives you to action

The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts – Marcus Aurelius

When you speak/work with me, you can expect…

Honesty, and being open-minded about every situation because there is always a solution.

Can you please share what your best advice would be for a job seeker looking for a new position in today’s market?

Update your resume and always dress to impress to all your interviews you never know who you are meeting.

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